After a harrowing quest to rescue his kidnapped Goomba pals, Koopa must chase down a mysterious robed assailant to rescue Bowser. Description Don't expect to blow through this in five minutes. Unblock Flash Or try FoxyLand 2 Cheat: Unlimited lives. We hope information that you'll find at this page help you in playing A Koopa's Revenge on PC platform. Now we have 3 cheats in our list, which includes 2 cheats codes, 1 glitch. This page contains A Koopa's Revenge cheats list for PC version.
Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Solve the numerous mysteries and save them from dangers! Play Now. A dangerous quest awaits you as Koopa’s friends have been kidnapped in A Koopa’s Revenge 2 game. Bump the blocks with your head to find items in them such as Default Controls: Arrow Keys: Movement S Key: Jump A Key: Run/Attack Mouse: Navigate Menus (also navigable w/Keyboard) A Koopa’s Revenge 2 is a Super Mario fan game set in a parallel universe where Bowser and company are the good guys, while Mario and his pals are pure evil.Ī Koopa's Revenge 2. Get to the end of each level to pass it, as you jump from platform to platform over the pits, avoid obstacles and traps, and kill enemies by jumping on top of their heads. Try out A Koopa's Revenge 2 online! Use Arrows to move, A to attack, S to jump, F for item box, and P to pause.